Munkres Topology Solution: Chapter 5
§37. Tychonoff Theorem
Let $X$ be a space. Let $\mathscr D$ be a collection of subsets of $X$ that is maximal with respect to the finite intersection property.
(a) Show that $x\in \bar D$ for every $D\in\mathscr D$ iff every nbhd of $x$ belongs to $\mathscr D$. Which implication uses maximality of $\mathscr D$?
(b) Let $D\in\mathscr D$. Show that if $A\supset D$, then $A\in\mathscr D$
(c) Show that if $X$ satisfies the $T_1$ axiom, there is at most one point belonging to $\bigcap_{D\in\mathscr D}\bar D$